Past Lectures

Winterterm 2012/13

Principals of Hemorheology

Dr. Roberto Plasenzotti
Dept. of Biomedical Research, MUW

Winterterm 2011/12

Experimental animal models of subarachnoid hemorrhage

PD Dr. Camillo Sherif
Dept. of Neurosurgery, KAR

ApoSec- preliminary experience of healing effects in experimental animal models

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Ankersmit, Thomas Haider c.m.
Dept. of Thoracal Surgery, MUW

A new experimental model for trigeminus neuralgia: preliminary experience

Prof. Dr. Heber Ferraz-Leite
Dept. of Neurosurgery, MUW

Summerterm 2011

Computational fluid dynamics in cerebral aneurysms: technical aspects

Georg Mach, BSc
Institute of Microelectronics, Vienna University of Technology

Tissue reactions in coil embolized human and experimental aneurysms

Prof. Dr. Hanns Plenk
Bone and Biomaterials Research, Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology, MUW

Experimental cerebral aneurysms: review of existing models

Dr. Camillo Sherif
Dept. of Neurosurgery, KAR